
Political correctness has become a topic of heated debate in recent years, with many people arguing that it is necessary in order to show respect, while others claiming it is stifling freedom of speech. But what does it mean to be politically correct, and is there truth to the assumption that intelligent people are more likely to adhere to this idea? This article will explore these questions, providing an exploration of the concept of political correctness and how it relates to intelligence.

What does it mean to be politically Correct?

What does it mean to be politically Correct?

The term ‘politically correct is generally used to describe language, behavior and attitudes which are seen to be inoffensive, respectful and non-discriminatory. In its most basic sense, it refers to being just, ethical and considerate in ones interactions with other people. The concept originated in the late 1960s as part of a push for language and behavior to better reflect social, economic and racial equality. It has since become a widespread idea, with its popularity continuing to this day.

Are Intelligent People More Likely to be Politically Correct?

The idea that intelligent people are more likely to adhere to the idea of political correctness is not rooted in any scientific fact. However, it is possible that intelligences may possess greater empathy and understanding, which could potentially lead to a greater respect for diversity and a willingness to use less offensive language. In addition, it is plausible that those of higher intelligence may be better able to recognize when their words or actions may be inconsiderate. Ultimately, each individual will display different levels of political correctness, depending on their experiences and worldview.

The Benefits of Being Politically Correct

Being politically correct can bring a myriad of benefits to both individuals and society at large. It can help to create greater feelings of safety, respect and understanding. By eliminating discriminative language and concepts, it can also help to reduce the feeling of oppression or alienation of minority groups. Overall, it allows for a greater level of civility and respect in communication, which can greatly benefit both individuals and society as a whole.


It is difficult to draw a definitive conclusion on whether more intelligent people are more likely to be politically correct. However, it is evident that being politically correct can bring numerous benefits, both on an individual level and for society. Adhering to the concept helps to foster feelings of safety, respect and understanding. Ultimately, political correctness is about considering how our words and actions affect those around us, and ensuring we all respect and value each others opinions and beliefs.

Keywords: Political Correctness, Respect, Freedom of Speech, Intelligence, Empathy, Discrimination, Civility

Long tail keywords: Benefits of being politically correct, understanding political correctness concept, relationship between intelligence and political correctness.

Meta Description:This article explores the concept of political correctness and how it relates to intelligence. It covers what it means to be politically correct, and delves into the idea that intelligent people are more likely to adhere to this idea. Learn more about the potential benefits of being politically correct, and

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