We all feel emotionally numb at some point in our lives. But when dissociation, or a lack of emotion, becomes chronic and pervasive, it can significantly affect our lives and our relationships. Fortunately, there are tried and tested ways to stop dissociating and feel emotionally alive again. Share below are five ways to get you back on track and regain inner emotional balance.
What is dissociation?
Dissociation is a mental state in which an individual experiences a disconnection or a feeling of separation from the self or from their environment. It can be triggered by trauma, depression, anxiety, or a number of other causes. People who experience dissociation often report feelings of being emotionally distant from others, or of being emotionally numb. This can lead to various problems, such as difficulty with relationships, impairment of work performance, or a general sense of disconnection from life.
Understanding and accepting the experience of emotion
One of the most important steps in overcoming dissociation is to gain an understanding of the emotion that lies beneath it. It may be difficult to initially identify the underlying emotion, but understanding the feeling is the necessary first step in tackling it. Once the emotion is identified and accepted, it can be dealt with in a healthy way.
Practicing mindfulness and self-care
Mindfulness helps to bring a sense of calm, allowing the individual to focus better on their emotional state and on the parts of their life that require attention. Additionally, self-care is essential for those dealing with dissociation. This may include activities such as yoga, meditation, exercise, keeping a journal and engaging in creative activities.
Seeking professional help
If feelings of dissociation persist after self-care techniques have been attempted, it is important to seek help from a trained professional. A therapist or counselor can provide support and guidance in effective coping techniques and in forming healthier thought and behavior patterns.
Creating healthy coping mechanisms and support networks
Having reliable friends and family members to turn to in times of need can be an invaluable resource in battling dissociation. Surrounding oneself with supportive people and activities such as hobbies, music, and art can help keep the individual grounded when emotion is absent. Additionally, developing regular, healthy coping mechanisms such as relaxation and meditation can help in processing difficult emotions and improving overall mental wellbeing.
Staying in the present moment
When dealing with dissociation and emotional numbness, it is easy to get engulfed in negative emotions and memories from the past. It is important to be mindful of emotions to ensure that the individual remains in the present moment and does not lapse into a pattern of disengagement.
Dissociating and feeling emotionally numb can be an overwhelming situation. However, with the right approach and support, it is possible to regain emotional balance. Understanding and accepting emotions, practicing mindfulness and self-care, seeking professional help, creating healthy coping mechanisms, and being mindful of the present moment are all key to overcoming dissociation and feeling emotionally alive again.
Keywords: Dissociation, Emotion, Mindfulness, Self-Care, Professional Help, Coping Mechanisms, Support Networks.
Longtail Keywords: Feel Emotionally Numb, Tackling Emotions Healthy Ways, Mindfulness to Improve Mental Wellbeing, Developing Healthy Coping Mechanisms.
Meta Description: Dissociation and feeling emotionally numb can be overwhelming. We provide five steps to help gain emotional balance, such as understanding and accepting emotions, practicing mindfulness and self-care, seeking professional help, creating healthy coping mechanisms, and being mindful of