Psychology is a complex field, but there is an important distinction between psychological torture and psychological abuse. Psychological torture can be defined as the intentional use of psychological intimidation or coercion by an individual, group, or country to manipulate or control a person’s behaviors and feelings. Psychological abuse, on the other hand, is the use of psychological harm or intimidation on another person, without their consent or approval.

What Is Psychological Torture?

Psychological torture revolves around inflicting psychological distress in order to control or manipulate a person’s behaviors and feelings. Psychological torture involves the use of extreme methods of psychological control, such as brainwashing and mind control techniques, humiliating and degrading treatments, isolation and sensory deprivation, fear, threats, manipulation, forced silence, and the use of false information. All of these techniques are intended to induce mental and emotional exhaustion, terror, panic, and confusion in the victim of psychological torture.

What Is Psychological Abuse?

Psychological abuse involves the use of psychological tactics to control or manipulate another person without their consent. While psychological abuse has been defined more broadly, it is generally meant to include any non-physical behaviors used to threaten, manipulate, or control another person. Psychological abuse includes behaviors like intimidation, verbal abuse, belittling, blaming, shaming, gaslighting, manipulation, and withholding love or affection.

Similarities Between Psychological Torture and Abuse

While psychological torture and abuse are distinct practices, there are some similarities between the two. Both revolve around the use of psychological tactics to control or manipulate another individual or group. Both forms of abuse can be used to induce long-term psychological distress, and both can lead to physical and psychological repercussions. Additionally, both forms use degradation, humiliation, and disruption of social relationships as tactics to psychologically harm an individual or group.


Psychological torture and abuse are two distinct practices, though they are similar in some ways. Psychological torture is a form of intentional psychological coercion that is meant to manipulate or control a person’s behavior and feelings through extreme methods. Psychological abuse, on the other hand, is the use of psychological tactics to control or manipulate another individual without their consent. It is important to understand the differences between these two practices and recognize the lasting impacts that psychological abuse can have on victims.

Psychological abuse, Psychological torture, Brainwashing, Mind Control, Humiliating, Degrading Treatments, Isolation and Sensory Deprivation, Fear, Threats, Manipulation and Coercion

Long tail keywords:
Intentional Psychological Intimidation, Coercion To Manipulate, Controlled Feelings and Behaviours, Threatening Non-Physical Behaviours, Belittling Verbal Abuse.

Meta description: Understand the distinction between psychological torture & abuse. Learn their similarities & differences with examples of

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