Why Do I Feel So Nervous and Sensitive when I Make Friends?

Making friends is one of life’s most important and challenging endeavors. It can be daunting for many people, particularly those who find themselves feeling especially anxious and sensitive when confronted with the prospect of meeting new people. Understanding the root of why this feeling arises is the first step towards being able to tackle it – and reclaiming the confidence we all deserve.

Indicators of Feelings of Nervousness and Sensitivity

Feeling anxious, sensitive, or overly self-aware when meeting new people is a common issue for many, and it is important to recognize the indicators of these feelings. If you find yourself feeling like this, you may experience a racing heart, difficulty forming coherent sentences, negative self-talk, an inability to express yourself or make decisions, or seek validation from others.

In such situations, it is easy to become preoccupied with the various anxieties and worries that accompany being in environments with strangers. In particular, these anxieties can manifest in physical sensations such as sweating, nausea, or sudden outbursts. Furthermore, feeling inadequate in comparison to others – or not living up to their expectations – can also lead to feelings of nervousness and sensitivity.

Understanding the Causes of Nervousness and Sensitivity

Although these feelings are ultimately just a natural reaction to the unfamiliar, there are a few reasons why some people may feel this more acutely than others.

One of the most common causes of feeling overly nervous or sensitive when making friends is low self-confidence, which often arises from negative self-image, fear of rejection, fear of the unknown and fear of criticism. These feelings can be so overwhelming that it can cause one to procrastinate in social situations, or to pass up potential opportunities for forming meaningful relationships.

At times, the cause of nervousness and sensitivity when making new friends may stem from traumatic past experiences, such as bullying or a history of abuse. It is natural to become afraid or unable to trust again after such experiences.

Tools For Overcoming Nervousness and Sensitivity

Sometimes, it can feel like avoiding social situations is the only solution to feeling too anxious and sensitive. But with the right tools and support, it is possible to overcome your fears, reclaim your confidence and make lasting friendships.

One of the best ways to begin conquering your anxiety is to take small steps, like introducing yourself to one new person at a time, joining social clubs and activities related to your interests, or volunteering and meeting people who have similar passions to yours.

Moreover, it is important to remember that while social media can be a great way to connect with others, real-life interactions are key to forming strong relationships and building confidence.

Practicing mindfulness and focusing on the positive aspects of the situation is also crucial. Lastly, understanding that other people are likely feeling the same way and being open to positive feedback and support can go a long way towards overcoming your fears and building meaningful relationships.


We all have moments where we feel overly nervous or sensitive when making new friends. While these feelings may seem daunting and unsettling, recognizing their root causes and making use of the tools talked about in this article can greatly increase the chances for forming strong and confident friendships. With greater insight and understanding, you can form the relationships you want and deserve – and a sense of contentment throughout the journey.

Keywords: Nervousness, Sensitivity, Self-confidence, Self-image, Fear, Rejection, Criticism, Trauma, Social Interactions, Mindfulness, Positive Support.

Long tail keywords: Making Friends, Negative Self-Talk, Inability to Express Oneself, Feeling Inadequate Compared to Others, Avoiding Social Situations, Conquering Anxiety, Introducing Yourself to One New Person at a Time, Joining Social Clubs and Activities Related to Interests, Practicing Mindfulness, Building Meaningful Relationships.

Meta Description: Learn to overcome feelings of anxiousness and sensitivity when making friends. Understand the root of the issue, take small steps to reclaiming your confidence and practice self-care tools like mindfulness and positive feedback. Find out

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