Understanding Resistance to Healing and Recovery

For a large number of people who struggle with mental health issues, seeking help and moving towards recovery can be a difficult, ambivalent, and even frightening process. It’s easy to become stuck wanting to get better without doing anything to make it happen. This is why its important to become aware of the barriers and coping mechanisms that might prevent us from healing, and take the necessary steps to overcome them.

The Benefits and Struggles of Healing

When it comes to wanting to get better, many of us expect the journey to be a kind of upward trajectory—feelings of pain and suffering gradually replaced by increased joy and freedom. And, while in some cases this is indeed the experience, for many of us, healing and recovery arent as static a process.

The push and pull of healing, i.e. wanting to be rid of the torture but also feeling comfortable and safe in its protection, can be very confusing. Depression, for example, can cause us to completely shut down and avoid the world, and yet when we try to move forward, the idea of entering a more bubbly, unknown existence can feel overwhelming and even terrifying.

Fears and Limiting Beliefs

When trying to move closer to recovery, it is important to become aware of the fears that might be preventing us from getting better and work to challenge them. A major part of the journey entails confronting and breaking through the false beliefs that our illness might tell us and that might prevent us from taking action.

Some common fears of learning to heal can include:

  • The fear of failure and guilt of not being able to overcome our pain
  • The fear of being vulnerable, rejected, or judged
  • The fear of success and the potential failure to live up to expectations
  • The fear of being alone and not having other people to support us as we heal
  • The fear of not knowing who we are or what our purpose is

Cognitive and Behavioral Strategies for Overcoming Resistance

The key to overcoming fear and resistance to healing is to focus on creating incremental goals and taking small, manageable steps to meet them. It is also important to be kind and patient with ourselves and to recognize that healing can be slow, painful, and confusing.

We can try different thought-stopping techniques, like visualizing ourselves as we want to be or connecting to our values and being mindful of the direction they are pointing in. We can also adopt new, effective coping strategies that help us build resilience and work to heal, such as journaling, deep breathing, or meditation.

Seeking Support

Finally, it is important to realize that wanting to get better shouldnt be done alone. Connecting with a mental health professional or joining a support group can be one of the best tools for recovery and cultivating self-love and self-care.


For many of us, the path to healing can be complicated and filled with fear and resistance. It’s important to become aware of the coping mechanisms and limiting beliefs that are preventing us from recovery and to find ways to challenge and overcome them. Additionally, seeking support from others, whether that be through therapy, supportive friends, or a support group, can be invaluable in the process. With patience, self-kindness, and courage, we can all take the necessary steps towards healing and learn to live a life filled with health and joy.

Keywords: mental health, healing, recovery, fear, resistance, support, coping strategies, journaling, self-care, therapy.

Long Tail Keywords: understanding resistance to healing, overcoming fear and resistance to healing, building resilience and working to heal, creating incremental goals for healing, connecting with a mental health professional or support group, visualizing oneself as desired while healing.

Meta Description: Struggling with mental health can make recovering and healing a difficult process. Understand the common fears and limiting beliefs that cause resistance to healing, and use cognitive and behavioral strategies to overcome them. Seek support from professionals or support groups to begin your journey to health and joy.

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