
In an increasingly competitive and often unjust world, doing good for people can feel futile. Though doing good for others is admirable and desirable, there is often an element of futility in it that can make it seem pointless. We may also find that our good deeds arent always reciprocated, which can make us question the value of our good acts and the value of doing good in general. In this article, we will look into why it can be hard to do good for others, why it can be ultimately futile, and a few tips for overcoming this sense of futility.

Subheading 1: Why Doing Good to Others Can Feel Useless

Doing good can be hard work and often requires effort or risk without any guarantee of being acknowledged or rewarded. There are many circumstances in which our good deeds can go unnoticed or disregarded by others due to a variety of factors. Because of this, it may seem useless to put in an effort to do good when it might not be appreciated. Additionally, when we do good without expecting or seeking recognition, we may feel ignored or even taken advantage of.

Subheading 2: The Futility of Valueless Good Deeds

Valueless good deeds can be more frustrating than helpful. We may go out of our way to help someone, only to have that person take advantage of our good will and not even thank us for it. Despite our best intentions, our good deeds may not be valued, recognized, or even noticed, which can lead to frustration and disappointment. This feeling of futility is what can often make people give up on doing good for others.

Subheading 3: Overcoming the Sense of Futility

The key to overcoming the sense of futility that comes from doing good for others is to focus on the joy of the act itself. When we recognize the joy of doing good, we are more likely to continue doing it even in difficult circumstances. Additionally, having a clear understanding of our own values can be helpful in keeping ourselves motivated and in maintaining a positive outlook on our own good deeds. It is also important to remember that even if our good deeds are not appreciated or rewarded, we can still be proud of our actions and should not give up on doing good for others.


Doing good for others can often feel futile and unrewarded, but it is important to remember that our good deeds can still have an impact and make a difference. Even if our good acts are not recognized or rewarded, we can still take comfort in knowing that we have done the right thing and have shown compassion and kindness. By focusing on the joy of doing good, understanding our own values, and staying motivated, we can continue to do good for others regardless of the outcome.

Keywords: doing good, futility, joy of doing, values, motivation
Long Tail Keywords: done good for others without recognition, efforts to do good without guarantee of appreciation, valueless good deeds frustration helpful, maintaining positive outlook on own good deeds

Meta Description: Doing good can be hard work and often unrewarded. This article looks into why it can be hard to do good for others, why it can feel futile, and how to overcome the sense of futility. We also look at why valueless good deeds may not be

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